WELCOME! We rate on a scale of 1 to 10 how entertaining football matches are – without spoilers!So you know which games are worth watching in replay. WELCOME! We rate on a scale of 1 to 10 how entertaining football matches are – without spoilers!So you know which games are worth watching in replay. Football League Cup Rating LiverpoolTottenham Watch Copa del Rey Rating Real SociedadOsasuna WatchValenciaBarcelona Watch Serie A Rating FiorentinaInter Watch Coupe de France Rating Bourgoin-JallieuReims Watch Super League Rating FC Basel 1893FC Luzern WatchFC WinterthurFC Zurich Watch Rating Range Rating Table Feedback for us? Experience the best games without spoilers Experience the best games without spoilers Our Story ABOUT SPORTRatings We are a team of football fans and experts who want to revolutionize the way people experience football games. MORE Feedback for us? SEND MESSAGEThe form has been submitted successfully!There has been some error while submitting the form. Please verify all form fields again. Our Story ABOUT SPORTevent Ratings We are a team of football fans and experts who want to revolutionize the way people experience football games. MORE Feedback for us? Name Email Message SEND MESSAGEThe form has been submitted successfully!There has been some error while submitting the form. Please verify all form fields again.